Evo Planet : Spore Evolution Simulator is a top-down casual game. You start as a simple organism, a single cell, and your task is to grow bigger and follow one of the evolution trees. Eat smaller creatures or tasty objects and gain enough mass to evolve into another, more evolved living organism. Mutate the spore and evolve into different species of creatures that own special abilities and conquer the land and the deep blue ocean. Right now, you can unlock 40 evolutions, life forms and multiple different species. Complete puzzles and missions in order to collect dna sequences and samples and evolve your spore into a hybrid animal in order to conquer the planet. More evolutions and dna samples are coming soon!
Evo Planet : Spore Evolution Simulator Tips:
- Speak to the other creatures, they may have a mission for you!
- Collect dna sequences to help friendly creatures evolve.
You can find the list of the 40 creature evolutions and hybrid animals below:
👀 Single Cell (Spore)
👀 Tadpole
👀 Froglet
🐸 Frog
🦎 Lizard
🐍 Snake
🐢 Turtle
🐜 Ant
🕷️ Spider
🦂 Scorpion
🦞 Lobster
🐛 Worm
🐛 Caterpillar
🐛 Larva
🐌 Snail
👀 Pupa
👀 Cocoon
🦀 Crab
🐝 Bee
🐝 Wasp
🦋 Butterfly
🐁 Mouse
🐁 Squirrel
🦝 Raccoon
👀 Red Panda
🐼 Panda
🦊 Fox
🐕 Dog
🐈 Cat
🐈 Lynx
🦁 Lion
Find the entrance to the deep blue ocean level and unlock 9 more evolutions, new species, new dna challenges and a lot of hybrid animals of the planet 's ocean:
🐠 Goldfish
🐠 Clownfish
🐟 Piranha
🐟 Swordfish
🐟 Tuna
🐬 Dolphin
🦈 Shark
🐋 Blue Whale
🐋 Orca
Lose 10 mb of memory to follow the evolution course, collect dna sequences, eat tasty enemies to get big and have fun! It's a good deal. Don't forget to rate and review Evo Planet : Evolution Simulator!
Evo Planet: Spore Evolution Simulator adalah gim kasual top-down. Anda mulai sebagai organisme sederhana, sel tunggal, dan tugas Anda adalah tumbuh lebih besar dan mengikuti salah satu pohon evolusi. Makan makhluk kecil atau benda lezat dan dapatkan massa yang cukup untuk berevolusi menjadi organisme hidup lain yang lebih berkembang. Mutasikan spora dan berevolusi menjadi berbagai spesies makhluk yang memiliki kemampuan khusus dan menaklukkan daratan dan samudra biru yang dalam. Sekarang, Anda dapat membuka 40 evolusi, bentuk kehidupan, dan berbagai spesies. Teka-teki dan misi lengkap untuk mengumpulkan urutan dan sampel dna dan berevolusi spora Anda menjadi hewan hibrida untuk menaklukkan planet ini. Lebih banyak evolusi dan sampel DNA akan segera hadir!
Evo Planet: Tips Simulator Evolusi Spora:
- Bicaralah dengan makhluk lain, mereka mungkin memiliki misi untuk Anda!
- Kumpulkan urutan dna untuk membantu makhluk ramah berkembang.
Anda dapat menemukan daftar 40 evolusi makhluk dan hewan hibrida di bawah ini:
👀 Sel Tunggal (Spora)
Ad Berudu
👀 Kodok
🐸 Kodok
🦎 Kadal
🐍 Ular
🐢 Turtle
🐜 Semut
🕷️ Spider
🦂 Scorpion
🦞 Lobster
🐛 Cacing
🐛 Caterpillar
🐛 Larva
🐌 Siput
👀 Pupa
👀 Kepompong
🦀 Kepiting
🐝 Lebah
🐝 Tawon
🦋 Kupu-kupu
🐁 Mouse
🐁 Tupai
🦝 Rakun
Panda Panda Merah
🐼 Panda
🦊 Fox
🐕 Anjing
🐈 Kucing
🐈 Lynx
🦁 Singa
Temukan pintu masuk ke tingkat samudra biru yang dalam dan buka 9 lagi evolusi, spesies baru, tantangan dna baru dan banyak hewan hibrida di samudera planet:
🐠 Ikan mas
🐠 Ikan badut
🐟 Piranha
🐟 Ikan todak
🐟 Tuna
🐬 Lumba-lumba
🦈 Hiu
Wh Paus Biru
🐋 Orca
Kalah 10 mb memori untuk mengikuti kursus evolusi, kumpulkan urutan dna, makan musuh yang lezat untuk menjadi besar dan bersenang-senang! Itu bagus. Jangan lupa untuk memberi peringkat dan mengulas Evo Planet: Evolution Simulator!
Evo Planet : Spore Evolution Simulator is a top-down casual game. You start as a simple organism, a single cell, and your task is to grow bigger and follow one of the evolution trees. Eat smaller creatures or tasty objects and gain enough mass to evolve into another, more evolved living organism. Mutate the spore and evolve into different species of creatures that own special abilities and conquer the land and the deep blue ocean. Right now, you can unlock 40 evolutions, life forms and multiple different species. Complete puzzles and missions in order to collect dna sequences and samples and evolve your spore into a hybrid animal in order to conquer the planet. More evolutions and dna samples are coming soon!
Evo Planet : Spore Evolution Simulator Tips:
- Speak to the other creatures, they may have a mission for you!
- Collect dna sequences to help friendly creatures evolve.
You can find the list of the 40 creature evolutions and hybrid animals below:
👀 Single Cell (Spore)
👀 Tadpole
👀 Froglet
🐸 Frog
🦎 Lizard
🐍 Snake
🐢 Turtle
🐜 Ant
🕷️ Spider
🦂 Scorpion
🦞 Lobster
🐛 Worm
🐛 Caterpillar
🐛 Larva
🐌 Snail
👀 Pupa
👀 Cocoon
🦀 Crab
🐝 Bee
🐝 Wasp
🦋 Butterfly
🐁 Mouse
🐁 Squirrel
🦝 Raccoon
👀 Red Panda
🐼 Panda
🦊 Fox
🐕 Dog
🐈 Cat
🐈 Lynx
🦁 Lion
Find the entrance to the deep blue ocean level and unlock 9 more evolutions, new species, new dna challenges and a lot of hybrid animals of the planet 's ocean:
🐠 Goldfish
🐠 Clownfish
🐟 Piranha
🐟 Swordfish
🐟 Tuna
🐬 Dolphin
🦈 Shark
🐋 Blue Whale
🐋 Orca
Lose 10 mb of memory to follow the evolution course, collect dna sequences, eat tasty enemies to get big and have fun! It's a good deal. Don't forget to rate and review Evo Planet : Evolution Simulator!